How to Index Blog Post in Search Engines

Index Blog Posts in Google

There are times when we have faced delay in crawling our blog posts in Google search engine and we have to lose a significant amount of traffic.

We are at the mid of year 2020. Owing to the covid-19 situation and the way cyber-security incidents are happening, one idea came to my mind, why not write an article on how to protect the WI-FI network from being compromised. I thought that people will search in large numbers for article " Securingwireless Local Area Network” and my post will get good instant traffic from Google.  But actually it didn’t happened.

The reason was- "My post is not indexed in Google".

My post is not indexed in Google

That is, my post was not in Google's database. And when Google does not have any information about the post “Securing wireless Local Area Network”, then there is no question of getting traffic on the article and there will be no ranking the post.

Google typically takes some time to index posts on its own. From a few minutes, to a few hours, to a few days, this time can sometimes be a few months.

So it is important that instead of waiting for Google's bots to crawl our post, we tell Google search engine about our new post itself. So that we can quickly rank in Google and we do not have to lose hands with a lot of organic traffic.

In this post, we will explain on how you can quickly submit your post to Google index.

How to Index / Crawl Blog Post in Search Engines –Methods and Techniques

1        What is crawling?

Crawling in common language means to crawl. Here crawling indicates crawling of websites/URLs. In case of search engines, crawling is similar to this. Search engines (such as Google) use some programming codes to locate a new website or post on the Internet, which we call Bot, Crawler or Spider.

These bots of Google keep roaming (crawling) on ​​the internet and as soon as they see a new site or a new post, they gather all the information about it and store it in Google's server.

The process of storing any new information, post or website on the internet by bots in Google database is called Crawling.

2.       How do Search Engines Crawl Sites

Whenever a new website is created on the Internet or a new post is published, people often share its link on Social Media or any other popular site.
Now because the site on which the link to the new website or new post is shared, it already exists in Google's database, that is, Google already has information about it. So Google-Bots reach the new website through a shared link in it and crawl it and put it in Google's database.
This way the site starts appearing in Google.

3.       What is the Crawling Rate?

Google's crawlers or bots keep crawling on our site several times a day and if any update happens on our site then they tell it to Google.
The number of times Google's bots come crawling on a site is called the Crawl Rate of that site. Often the more popular a site is, the higher its crawl rate.

4.        What is indexing and how does it work?

You may be surprised to know that Google has approximately 40 trillion web pages of information stored in its servers, which occupies more than 100 million GB of memory space.
Now if a person searches on Google (suppose he/she searches “Securing wireless Local Area Network "). So will Google go to all 40 trillion pages and find the results?   Off course not!

Because if Google worked in this way, it would have taken a very long handling time to scan the trillion (million times million) of webpages and we would not get the answer to our question within 1 second.

Google's bots store one-of-a-kind information in one place. For example, all webpages related to wireless Local Area Network will be stored in the same memory space. With this, whenever a query is searched, Google's bots are able to show results easily because in this case they have to scan very few webpages.

 Indexing is a process in which search engines analyze web-pages and put together similar web-pages so that people can be quickly given the information they want to obtain.

5.       Ways to index posts quickly in Google

Google starts crawling a website on its own, but sometimes it happens that there is some problem or we need to submit a post to Google instantly. In such a situation there are some Quick Indexing Techniques that can be used to make our work easier. Here are some of the techniques used in Google indexing.

A.       Insert Sitemap in Google Search Console 

When we submit our sites Sitemap in Google Search Console (formerly called Google Webmaster Tool), new posts of our website automatically start being indexed in Google.
Apart from this, we can also automatically rank our site's posts in Google by submitting a sitemap of your site in the search consoles of search engines like Bing and Yahoo.

B.      Use the URL inspection tool of the search console

The URL Inspection Tool is a function of Google search console by which one can easily find out if a URL is indexed in Google or not. Apart from this, if you want to index a URL instantly in Google, then with the help of this you can do that very easily.
How? Let's know-

Go to your Google search console to verify the ownership of the URL and later go to the  Dashboard .

After going there, select the website whose webpage URL you want to index by clicking the icon of the 3 parallel lines given in the Top Left Side. (Keep in mind that your website must be GSC verified first)

After this, you have to enter your URL in the given URL space in the empty space at the top and press Enter.

Do use the url inspection tool in google search console.After about 30 seconds, a page will  opens in front of you. manual indexing tool in google search console

These URLs already exist on Google, hence showing "URL is on Google" here. But if your URL is not already present in Google, it will not appear in your case.

After this you have to click on the option "Request Indexing" given on the center right side.

After about a minute, you will see a text message like this on the screen.

You have to  click on the "Got it". And in this way your indexing request reaches Google.

After some time, go to Google and check that your post will be ranked. If not, then do the same process again.

C.      How to check whether a post is indexed in Google?

To check all the indexed posts of your website, you can search in any search engine by writing site: (Keep in mind that instead of, you have to write the name of your site)

My site name is, so I search on site: And in this way all the google indexed posts of my site or related to my site  are shown in Google within a second -

If you have to find a particular post whether it is indexed in Google or not, then you can write the main keyword of that post by putting a space in front of simple site: This way, if that post is indexed then you will see it.

If there is any error while indexing the page you will find error. Reference snap is mentioned below.

D.      Use Search Engine Ping Tools

There are many such websites on the Internet, with the help of which you can get your webpages indexed in Google and every other type of search engines. Here are some such tools -
1. Google Ping
2. Pingler
3. Feedburner Ping

In these Ping Tools, you can easily get your entire site or a particular webpage indexed in hundreds of search engines by entering details of your website. Using them, your website will be ranked among those search engines whose names you may not have even heard of.  
E.       Do Internal Linking -
Google looks for new webpages through links. If he gets a link to a new wepage, then it is very likely that he should include it in his index.

In order for Google to get a link to our webpages, it is necessary that we give a link to our new posts in the old posts, that is, to internally link them. With this, our new posts start showing quickly in Google and at the same time start to rank on good positions.

F.       Create backlinks

Also try to create backlinks to your new page if possible. With this, your post will be indexed in Google. At the same time, there will be a tremendous jump in its rankings.

G.     Share on social sites

Google and other search engines are able to quickly crawl new webpages shared on social media as their crawlers / bots are constantly roaming on these sites. So to rank your post in Google quickly, it is important that we share it on social media sites.
I personally share every new post immediately after publishing it on these Social Websites and Online Platforms so that it gets indexed quickly and this also has a positive effect on its ranking-

1. Facebook page - Social Media Site
2. Twitter - Social Media Site
3. Linkedin - Professional Media Site
4. Pinterest - Photo Sharing Website
5. Redit - Online Community
6. Mix - Social Bookmarking Site
7. Indi Blog Hub (Indibloghub) - Indian Blog Directory
8. Indiblogger - Indian Blog Directory
9. Quora - Question Answer Platform
If you use these methods, then your post gets indexed in Google within 3 minutes and within few days traffic starts coming on it.

If our post is not indexed in Google, then there is no question of its rank. And if our post is not ranked, then there is no question of getting organic traffic from Google. So it is important that our post is indexed in Google so that Google can show it to people and people can come to our website.

So guys, this was our post on "Google Search Engine Indexing .How did you like this article, tell us through the comment and if you have any question, definitely ask it too. Join us on facebook to keep you updated on new posts.

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